Soil P and its sorption parameter of different fertilization treatments under 26-year long-term fertilizing field experiment on loess arid plateau were determined. Meanwhile, soil P leaching change-point was measured by lab cultivating experiment. Relations between part of soil properties and soil P adsorption parameter or P leaching change-point were studied, as well as the relationship between soil P adsorption parameters and P leaching ehange-point. The results showed: after 26 years of long-term fertilization, contents of Olsen-P of M75P60 and M75N120P60 respectively increased 10.7 and 9.8 times than CK treatment and content of T-P respectively increased 60.4% and 57.7% than CK treatment. Long-term application of phosphorus fertilizer and organic fertilizer reduced the maximum P adsorption capacity (Qm) of the soil, but increased the degree of P sorption saturation (DPSS) of the soil, the Qm of M75N120P60) reduced 49.92% than CK treatment, but DPSS of M75N120P60 increased 21.5 times than CK treatment. There was highly significant negative correlations between Qm and Olsen-P, T-P or CaC12-P(P〈0.01) and significant negative correlation between Qm and SOM (P〈0.05). There was highly significant positive correlations between EPCo aml Olsen-P or CaC12-P and significant positive correlations between EPC0 and T-P or SOM, while the relationship with pH value was not significant, but MBC was highly related to pH value. DPSS was highly related to Olsen-P, T-P, CaCl2-P and SOM. The leaching change-point of soil Olsen-P had very significant positive correlation with Qm, and had significant positive correlation with MBC, while the relationships between it and DPSS ,Olsen-P ,Total-P or Ca C12-P was very significant. Results also indicated the value of soil Olsen-P leaching change-point of loess soil arid land coincided with DPSS15% value, namely, the value of DPSS15% can be taken as soil Olsen-P leaching change-point of the present study area.
Chinese Journal of Soil Science
Long-term fertilization
Phosphorus adsorption characteristics
Degree of P sorption saturation