一直以来,厚重与通透的交替是建筑风格变化的潜在规律。这其中,不断推陈出新的结构材料和构造技术与建筑设计的理念一起构成了对这一一交替变换的动力。本文简要回顾了HPP 60多年来的建筑设计实践,以及与之相关的设计思想的发展,旨在展现HPP质朴,超越时尚的设计风格。
For a long time, increasingly new structure materials and construction technologies,in conjunction with the changing design ideas. have brought a development for the constant afternation between weight and transparency,which has been an unwritten law in architecture design.The design styles of HPP. simple and beyond the fashion, are showed by the reviewing of the design experiences of HPP in the period of more than 60 years and the development of the architectural ideas related in the world.
World Architecture