氧化还原法处理含氰废水和含铬废水时 ,由于两者控制条件不同 ,历来分开进行 ,研究了在碱性条件下 ,先用氧化剂完全氧化氰根后 ,再用还原剂还原六价铬为三价铬 ,同时沉淀所有重金属离子的处理方法。试验证明两种废水混合处理后各项指标均优于国家排放标准 ,药剂消耗不比传统方法高 ,工艺路线比单独处理简单 。
Because their different control conditions, the facilities of oxidation reduction processes to treat CN and Cr wastewaters are set up separately. In this paper a new process to separate both metal ions under basic condition was proposed, there are two steps: first the full oxidation of cyanide by oxidizer dosage and then reduction of Cr 6+ to Cr 3+ by reducing agent addition. All the indicators of the effluent are better than the guideline of the national standard of wastewater discharge. This process is easy to operate and simple in technology, with less treatment structures and lower chemical consumption than that of former separated process.
Water & Wastewater Engineering