
多功能轻小型灌溉机组水力性能试验研究 被引量:4

Experimental Study on Hydraulic Characteristics of the Light Weight and Small Size Multifunctional Machine of Irrigation
摘要 多功能轻小型灌溉机组是一种新型灌溉机组,具有喷灌和软管灌溉两种灌水方式,满足了不同作物在不同生育期对水分的要求。该喷水车安装有高度调节装置,始终使灌水器处于最佳灌水高度,克服了受风影响较大的弱点,减少了灌溉水分的漂移损失,提高了灌水均匀度和利用效率。在试验室内通过对该机组水力性能试验研究,结果表明,该机组在喷灌方式下灌水均匀度要好于软管灌溉;机组行进速率在不同档位下随压力增大而增加。 This paper introduced a new type light weight and small size multifunctional machine of irrigation, it collocates sprinkling irrigation and hose irrigation system, and satisfys different farm crops in different growth time to request of water. The machine set the setting that adjusts the height of machine, and it may sprinkler in the best sprinkling height and reduces the influence of sprinkling uniformity degree with the wind and the excursion losing of the water, and advance irrigation uniformity and using efficiency. By experimental study on hydraulic characteristics of the multifunctional machine of irrigation in the lab, The result shows: The machine in sprinkler irrigation uniformity is better than that of hose irrigation, and machine moving rate is increaser as the pressure increases in different gear.
出处 《节水灌溉》 北大核心 2012年第10期52-55,共4页 Water Saving Irrigation
基金 "十二五"国家"863"项目资助(2011AA100506)
关键词 多功能 灌溉 轻小型机组 水力性能 Multifunctional Irrigation Light Weight and Small Size Machine Hydraulic Characteristic
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