
云南省年度特大气象干旱成因及影响评估——以保山市2009-2010年数据为例 被引量:2

Yunnan Heavy Weather Drought Causes and The Impact Assessment
摘要 2009年秋季至2010年春季,云南省遭遇了百年一遇的秋——冬——春三季连旱,保山是重旱区之一,为此,利用1951-2010年3月74项大气环流特征量资料和保山市5个国家基准(基本)站的降水资料,对保山市2009年特大秋冬春连旱的成因进行了诊断分析。研究结果表明:2009年9月至2010年3月西太平洋副热带高压持续偏强,面积偏大,脊线位置偏南,西伸脊点偏西,印缅槽偏弱,南支低槽不活跃,高原东南侧的西南季风不活跃,不利于孟加拉湾等地的水汽向云南上空输送,从而导致保山与云南大部出现了100年以上一遇的特大秋冬春三季连旱,给人民群众生活和工农业生产造成极大损失,属历史罕见。 In the fall of 2009to the spring of 2010, Yunnan province encountered the hundred years of autumn - Winter - spring three Ji Lian dry, arid regions of Baoshan are, therefore, this paper uses1951-2010 year March 74atmospheric circulation characteristics of information and the city of Baoshan in 5national bench- mark ( basic ) station precipitation data, to Baoshan city in 2009especially big drought from autumn to spring causes were analyzed. The results show that: in 2009September to2010March West Pacific subtropical high slants continuously strong, area to slant big, position of ridge line south, west ridge point west, India-Burma trough is weak, southern 'branch trough is not active, on the southeast side of the southwest monsoon is not ac- tive, not conducive to the Bay of Bengal and the water vapor to Yunnan air conveying; which leads to the Baoshan and Yunnan greater part appeared once in 100 years of big drought from autumn to spring three Ji Lian, give people life and industrial and agricultural production and cause great loss, belong to the history in- frequent.
机构地区 保山市气象局
出处 《思茅师范高等专科学校学报》 2012年第3期13-18,共6页 Journal of Simao Teachers' College
关键词 云南保山 大气环流特征量 秋冬春连旱 Yunnan Baoshan atmospheric circulation features of spring drought in autumn and winter
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