
不同感觉模态下评价织物柔软感的心理物理特性 被引量:6

Psychophysical Characteristics of Fabric Softness Evaluation for Different Sensory Modalities
摘要 分别在触觉单模态和视触觉双模态下,采用平置按压和捏持弯曲的触摸方式,通过与参考织物对比评价织物试样的柔软感.采用相关性分析确定影响织物柔软感的主要物理指标,以该指标为刺激量用logistic函数拟合正确判断率,计算辨别阈值.研究表明,在不同感知模式下,织物柔软感的感官评价符合logistic心理计量函数,且视触觉双模态下捏持弯曲的评价方式对织物柔软性的感知敏感度最高. Compared with the reference fabric, the softness of fabric samples was estimated under tactile and visuo-tactile modality, respectively. For each modality, two different touching manners were used, namely laying press and holding bend. The correct proportion of softness evaluation for each manner and each modality was analyzed with respect to the most correlated physical property of the samples. The proportion and the physical property were fit to a logistic psychometric function, by which the discrimination threshold for each manner and each modality was calculated. The results showed that the psychometric curve for sensory evaluation on fabric softness fitted the logistic function well under different modality. In addition, the evaluation manner with the most discriminability was the holding bend manner in the visuo-tactile modality.
出处 《东华大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期381-385,共5页 Journal of Donghua University(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51175076) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(11D10106)
关键词 柔软感 织物 触觉 视触觉 辨别阈值 softness fabric tactile visuo-tactile discrimination threshold
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