
基于超声红外热成像技术的复合材料损伤检测 被引量:13

Damage detection of composites based on ultrasonic infrared thermography technique
摘要 采用超声红外热成像技术,对某飞行器的复合材料壳体损伤进行了检测研究。采用数值分析模拟了超声激励下复合材料损伤处的摩擦生热及热传导过程,分析了裂纹处的温度分布及裂纹尺寸对检测结果的影响;利用超声波发生器对含分层损伤复合材料试件进行了试验,根据表面温度的分布实现了对损伤的定量识别。结果表明,超声红外热成像技术能够快速准确地检测到复合材料表面及浅表面的界面贴合型损伤(如分层,疲劳裂纹等);对损伤的定位准确、检测结果直观、不存在加热非均匀等问题;选择恰当的耦合材料能有效消除"驻波"现象的产生,并提高损伤检测效果。 Based on the ultrasonic infrared thermography (UIT) technique, the damage on composite shell of certain aerospace vehicles was inspected. Firstly, the frictional heating and thermal conductivity at the crack of the composites under ultrasonic excita tion were simulated by numerical simulation method. The influences of temperature distribution around the crack and the influence of the size of crack for testing result were analyzed. Secondly, the composites involving delamination was detected by the ultrasonic generator,size was estimated quantificationally. The results show that the UIT can identify the contacting interfacetype damages at the surface or subsurface of composites rapidly, for example, delamination, fatigue crack et al. It can locate the damage accurately and intuitively, and there is no uniform heating problems. Suitable coupling material can improve testing quality and eliminate "standing wave" effectively.
出处 《固体火箭技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期559-564,共6页 Journal of Solid Rocket Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51075390)
关键词 红外热成像 超声激励 复合材料 损伤检测 infrared thermography ultrasonic excitation composites damage detection
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