因特网的出现不仅带来了一种全新的信息传播和商业模式 ,更带来了一种观念上的冲击。我国暖通空调企业如何面临这一重大变迁及其带来的挑战 ,把握当代信息化的实质和客观规律 ,领导企业在信息社会中生存、竞争和发展 ,这是一个值得普遍关注的问题。本文介绍了暖通空调企业上网的好处和基本技术条件 ,以及企业上网的障碍和对策等 ,同时介绍了我国几个著名的暖通空调网站 ,希望本文能对暖通空调企业经营管理者有所裨益。
for chinese enterprises,the emergence of Internet brings us not only a completely new way of information dissemination way and business operation mode,but also made big impact on the traditional modes of thought,which becomes more and more important for our HVAC enterprises to adapt to the development of information technology.under this circumstance,it becomes neccessary for the managers of HVAC enterprises to master the laws of infor-mation era,lead the enterprises to compete and develop.In this paper,We briefly introduce the benefits and basic technical conditions,and discuss the obstacles and countermeasures for setting up a website.Besides,several HVAC websites are listed for reference.we hope that more and more HVAC enterprises will pay some attention to the usage of information technology.
Building Energy & Environment