
汉族湘语族群体质特征 被引量:7

Physical characteristics of Xiang languages group
摘要 目的探讨汉族湘语族群的体质特征。方法在湖南双峰县调查了湘语族群城市汉族320例(男性157例,女性163例)和乡村汉族410例(男性196例,女性214例)成人的86项体质指标,计算了39项体质指数,统计了指数分型,与我国族群资料进行了比较,对汉族湘语族群体质特征进行了初步分析。结果湘语族群上眼睑有皱褶率中等,有蒙古褶率低,眼裂高度多为窄型,多为眼外角高于眼内角,鼻根高度中等型率最高,鼻背侧面观多为直型,颧部突出度微弱型最高,鼻基部多为水平,鼻翼高度多为中等,鼻孔最大径多为横位,鼻翼多为宽型,耳垂男女多为三角形,上唇皮肤部高度男女均以中等型率最高,红唇厚度男女均以薄型率最高,发色多为黑色,眼色多为黑褐色,肤色男性以黄色率最高,女性以浅黄率最高。湘语族群男女性均为短头型、高头型、中头型、中鼻型。此外,男性为中面型,女性为阔面型。湘语族群头面部特征介于北亚类型族群与南亚类型族群之间。城市男性与女性、乡村男性与女性均为中等身材。城乡男女均为长躯干型、中腿型。男性及乡村女性为中胸型,城市女性为宽胸型。女性及城市男性均为中肩型,乡村男性为宽肩型。男性为宽骨盆型,女性为中骨盆型。从体部指标值和指数值来看,汉族湘语族群更接近于北亚类型族群。结论汉族湘语族群体质特征与保安族、土族较为接近,虽然具有一定南亚类型族群特点,但是更接近于北亚类型族群。 Objective To study the physical characterristics of Han in Xiang languages group. Methods Eighty- six physical characteristics of 320 urban adults (157 males and 163 females) and 410 rural adults (196 males and 214 females) of Han were investigated. Eighty-six physical indices and thirty-nine physical indices were calculated and the distributions of them were done accordingly. Compared with other groups in China, the physical characteristics of Han in hunan were preliminarily analyzed. Results The rate of eyefold of the upper eyelid was medium. Mongoloid fold rate was inferior. Opening height of eyeslits was more narrow. External angle was heigher than internal angle. The middle type of nasal root height, height of alae nasi and upper lip skin height was most common. Nasal profile belonged to straight. The tiny rate of zygomatic project was heigh. The nasal base was level. The maximal diameter of nostrils was at oblique position. The highest rate of breadth of ala nais was wide type. The lobe types were mostly triangle. Thickness of lips was mainly thin. Hair color was black and eye color was black brown. The highest rate of skin color was yellow in the male and shallow yellow in the female. Both male and female were brachycephaly type, hypsicephaly type, metriocephaly type and mesorrhiny type. In addition, mals were mesoprosopy, and females were euryprosopy. The head facial features of them were between North and South Asian type. Both males and females in urban and rural were middle stature, length of trunk and mesatiskelic type. Males and rural females were medium chest circumference. Urban females had broad chest circumference. Females and urban males were medium shoulder breadth. Rural males were broad shoulder breadth. Males were broad distance between iliac crests and females were medium distance between iliac crests. According to the body of the index value and index value, Xiang languages group was close to the North Asian type. Conclusion The physical characteristics of the Xiang dialect group are close to Bonan nationality, Tu nationality, Hart in Hainan, Hui in Hunan. Although it owns characteristics of South Asian type,it is closer to North Asian type.
出处 《解剖学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期694-702,共9页 Acta Anatomica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(30830062)
关键词 湘语族群 活体观察 活体测量 汉族 Xiang languages group Somatoscopy Anthropometry Han nationnality
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