国际最负盛名的咨询公司麦肯锡在2010年11月29日发布了一份长达126页的教育报告:《全球进步最快教育体系因何持续进步?》(How the world's most improved school systems keep getting better)。这份报告在全球五大洲选取了20个教育体系作为研究对象回答了教育体系之所以成功的许多问题,并给我们的教育许多有益的启示。
McKinsey & Company, the most internationally famous company, delivered an educational report of 126 pages on November 29, 2010 How the world's most improved school systems keep getting better. This report selected 20 educational systems as its research subjects from the worldwide five continents, replying to many issues on successful educational systems as well as providing plenty of useful revelations for China's education.
Jiangsu Education Research