编制 Modem 在电话线路上复用的标准,要解决两个问题:(1)确定正确的复用电平;(2)决定复用指数 P 值。本文主要从理论与实践上来解决这两个问题。本文是 CCITT1985—1988研究期的19/ⅩⅦ课题。
To compile a Modem transmission standard the first work we must do is how to limit the transmit level of the Modem,when it applies on a carrier channel sys- tems.To limit the transmit level of the Modem for applying on a carrier channel systems there are two questions.The first is to determine the proper level for data transmission over multichannel carrier systems to ensure correct performace of the system.The second is the determination of value P.In this paper the determination of value P has been listed in the studies between 1985-1988(19/ⅩⅦ)by CCITT. This paper has studied these questions and get good results.
carrier communication system
data transmission
transmission level