
四川大学74名大学生志愿救灾态度及认知现状的调查分析 被引量:1

Attitude toward and Cognition Status of Voluntary Disaster Relief of Undergraduates of Sichuan University
摘要 目的了解大学生对志愿救灾活动的态度及认知情况,为文化素质公选课《备灾教育》提供依据。方法对来自四川大学选修《备灾教育》课的74名学生采用自行设计的问卷进行调查,采用Execl进行数据录入,运用SPSS17.0对数据进行描述性统计分析。结果发放问卷74份,回收有效问卷74份,有效回收率100%。结果显示,93%的学生愿意参与志愿救灾活动,77%的学生认为志愿者进入灾区施救前应做好评估,88%的学生认为施救前应做好准备工作。但学生提到的评估和准备的内容主要是自己的身心素质及自救和互救知识技能,对志愿者组织、灾区情况和联络方式等重视不足。同时,学生提到的参与救灾活动形式以直接救助为主,后勤类保障服务提及频率较低,且只注重灾时救助,没有涉及灾前预防和灾后重建。结论大学生对志愿救灾工作认识不够全面,《备灾教育》课程中不仅要讲授灾害相关的自救互救知识与技能,还应强调灾前预防和灾后重建也是志愿者的工作重点,告知大学生在进行志愿者服务时,应明确目的、服从安排、量力而行。 Objective To understand undergraduates' attitude toward and cognition status of voluntary disaster relief, and to provide the basis for public selective course of Disaster-Preparedness Education. Methods A self-designed questionnaire was applied among 74 undergraduates who attended the course of Disaster-Preparedness Education from Siehuan University. The data were inputted by Excel and analyzed by SPSS 17.0. Results All the questionnaires were collected with a valid rate of 100%. It was revealed that 93 % of the students were willing to participate in voluntary disaster relief and 77% of them held the view that the assessment was indispensable before the participation while 88% proposed preparedness was important before going into the disaster area. But what students referred most were physical and psychological quality, aid-related knowledge and skills, while volunteer organizations, the reality of disaster areas and communications were not attached great importance. Meanwhile, students preferred to give direct aid rather than assistance indirectly. And they only noticed what they can do during the disaster, but ignored prevention and reconstruction before and after disasters. Conclusion Undergraduates' understanding about voluntary disaster relief is insufficient, so not only knowledge and skills of aid, but also the view that prevention and reconstruction are key points of volunteers' work should be highlighted in the course of Disaster-Preparedness Education. And the students should be noticed that it is necessary to participate in the disaster relief with clear objectives and only do what they can do in volunteer work.
作者 陈龑 胡秀英
出处 《护理学报》 2012年第18期1-3,共3页 Journal of Nursing(China)
关键词 大学生 志愿者 灾害救援 undergraduate volunteer disaster relief
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