

Ontological Construction of Emergence:Whiteheadians' Research Approach and Contribution
摘要 过程思想和涌现论似乎是天然的同盟军。从历史上看,怀特海、亚历山大、伯格森等人都是很关注过程思想和涌现论。然而,过去几十年,主要是局限在主流科学哲学和分析哲学的语境中讨论涌现论,而从过程思想出发探究涌现论,是对传统研究径路具有重要意义的扩展。当代怀特海主义者们的研究逻辑起始于对涌现概念的新解读,在对涌现三个基本特征的探讨中,体现出其内在的家族相似性,并形成关于涌现本体的新建构。 Process thought and emergence theory would seem to be natural allies. In recent decades, however, most works develop emergence theories in the context of mainline philosophy of science and ana- lytic philosophy. Whiteheadians' works discuss emergence theory in a new context of process categories and this expands the understanding on the traditional approach. Their research starts from the concept of emergence, develops their family resemblance in the discussion on three characteristics of emergence and brings a new construction on the ontology of emergence.
作者 刘益宇
出处 《系统科学学报》 CSSCI 2012年第3期24-27,共4页 Chinese Journal of Systems Science
关键词 怀特海 过程 涌现 关系实有 创造性 生成 Whitehead Process Emergence Relation entity Creativity Becoming
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