目前,高校中的学生考试报名管理工作主要以手工方式完成,工作量大且效率低。根据用户需求,采用流行的MVC软件架构模式、使用ASP.NET+SQL Server 2005开发出了B/S结构的考试报名管理系统。从实际的运行效果看,该系统体现了较好的扩展性、稳定性,显著提高了考试报名管理工作的效率。
Currently, in higher colleges, the tasks of signing up for tests are fulfilled mainly by hand, thus with poor efficiency. To improve it, according to the users" requirements, using ASP. NET and SQL Serv- er 2005, a software with the popular model of MVC and B/S structure named signing up for tests manage- ment system is developed. From the view of the actual results brought about by the system, it has mani- fested its better extension, robustness and stability. The efficiency of managing the work of signing up for tests is enhanced remarkably.
Journal of Wuxi Institute of Technology
广州工商职业技术学院"SQL Server数据库"重点课程建设项目