
高等教育强国的内涵、特征及建设策略 被引量:5

On the Meanings,Characteristics and Strategies of Building a Powerful Nation through Higher Education
摘要 我国高等教育正处于历史性的转变过程中,即由高教大国向高教强国发展。高教强国主要表现为思想的发源地、先进制度的形成和创造、学者自然人的国际流动等三个突出特征。文章围绕高教强国的内涵、特征及建设的策略三个方面进行阐述,并在此基础上提出建设高教强国,必须注意实现从国内关注向世界关注、从国际借鉴向国外推广两个转变,善于用中国模式服务世界其他同行,创设有利于新思想和新制度产生的土壤与环境。 China's development of higher education is in a process of historic transition: from a "big" country to a "strong" country in higher education. A strong country in higher education is mainly manifes ted as the birthplace of ideas, the formation and creation of advanced system, and the international flow of individual scholars. The author elaborates the meanings, characteristics and strategies of building a power ful nation through higher education, then proposes that two transitions should be reached, which are from domestic concern to international concern and from international introduction to international promotion. We should also try to offer reference for foreign counterparts with the Chinese mode, and nurture soil and good environment for the generation of new ideas and systems.
作者 洪成文
出处 《徐州工程学院学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第5期93-96,共4页 Journal of Xuzhou Institute of Technology:Social Sciences Edition
关键词 高等教育 强国 内涵 特征 策略 higher education building a powerful nation meaning characteristics strategy
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