
材料难易度对汉语阅读活动影响的眼动研究 被引量:3

Eyemovement Study in Reading of Different Difficulty of Chinese Sentences
摘要 采用经典的刺激呈现随眼动变化技术中非对称式窗口设计,以Eyelink Ⅱ眼动仪为工具,考察材料难度和窗口大小对大学生中文句子阅读的影响。实验设计为2(材料难度:难,易)×8(窗口大小:C,R1,R2,R3,R4,LR4,L2R4,整行)被试内实验设计,被试为15名在校大学生。结果发现:(1)难材料阅读知觉广度为被注视汉字左侧1个汉字到右侧2个汉字之间;(2)易材料阅读知觉广度为被注视汉字左侧1-2个汉字到右侧3-4个汉字之间。(3)知觉广度的左右不对称性受阅读材料难易度的影响,较易材料的阅读知觉广度的不对性大于较难材料的阅读知觉广度。 To explore how do the difficulty of material and the size of display windows influence the Chinese sentences reading, Eyelink II eye tracker and the classical eye-movement-contingent display changes paradigm were used in the experiment. The experiment design was a 2 (difficulty levels of material: difficult, easy)~8(display window sizes: lcharacter, 2characters, 3characters, 4characters, 5characters, 6characters, 7characters and the whole sentence) within-subject design. 15 college students participated in the experiment. We got following results: (1)the perceptual span of Chinese reading in difficult materials is lcharacter to the left and 2characters to the right of the fixation word; (2) To easy material, the perceptual span of reading is 1-2characters to the left and 3-4characters to the right of the fixation word. (3) The unsymmetrical perceptual span is affected by the difficulty of the sentences.
作者 伏干
出处 《心理研究》 2012年第5期39-45,共7页 Psychological Research
基金 江苏省社会科学基金项目(11YYD017)
关键词 阅读知觉广度 材料难度 眼动研究 reading perceptual span difficulty of Chinese sentences eye movement study
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