
科学发展观视阈下的大学生世界观教育 被引量:1

Education of World Outlook for University Students from the Perspective of Scientific Outlook on Development
摘要 大学生的世界观教育处于大学教育工作的核心位置,直接决定着大学教育的方向和大学生全面素质的体系化与科学化。科学发展观理论的提出,对大学生的世界观教育工作提供了新的指导思想和教育途径。在大学生世界观教育中融入科学发展观理念,就是要把科学发展观的发展理念、以人为本的理念、全面的理念、协调的理念等与大学生的世界观教育相结合,实现大学生世界观的正确培养和内在养成。 The education of world outlook for university students is the core of education because it has direct effect on the orientation of university education on the one hand and on whether the university students can develop their comprehensive quality systematically and scientifically on the other. The proposition of Scientific Outlook on Development provides a new guiding ideology and creative educational ways for the world outlook education. In this sense, to integrate the principle of Scientific Outlook on Development into the university education of world outlook exactly means to combine the essential elements of the former,including its principles about development, putting people first, and those about comprehensiveness and coordination, with the latter, so as to achieve the goal of providing proper training for the students in the development of their world outlook.
作者 姬翠梅
出处 《山西高等学校社会科学学报》 2012年第9期80-84,共5页 Social Sciences Journal of Universities in Shanxi
关键词 科学发展观 大学生 世界观教育 Scientific Outlook on Development university students world view education
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