

Causes for Intensifing Relations between Latin American Leftists and Russia
摘要 拉美左派执政后,左派政府与俄罗斯之间的关系发展迅速,双方合作的领域不断扩大,层次不断加深。拉美左派将俄罗斯视为抗衡美国霸权主义的重要战略支撑。加强与俄罗斯在政治、能源、军事和高科技等领域的合作,不仅能有效摆脱长期以来对美国的严重依赖,增强其独立性和抵御风险的能力,还能有效提升其在国际社会的地位和能源领域的话语权,促进其外交多元化战略的实施。 After becoming the ruling party, the relationship between Latin American leftist governments and Russia has developed rapidly. The domain of the cooperation of the two sides is generally expanding and the level is becoming increasingly deep. The Latin American left - wings consider Russia as an important strategic support which can stand against the American hegemonism. They believe that the cooperation with Russia in the fields of energy,politics, military and high - tech can not only help them rid the longtime heavy dependence on America and enhance their independence and the ability to resist risk, but also effectively enhance their international status and the discourse right in energy field. It can also promote the implementation of its diplomatic diversification strategy. All of these serve as the major causes why Latin American leftists strengthen their relations with Russia.
作者 李伟
机构地区 太原理工大学
出处 《山西高等学校社会科学学报》 2012年第9期108-111,共4页 Social Sciences Journal of Universities in Shanxi
关键词 拉美左派 俄罗斯 关系 Latin American Leftists Russia relationship
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