介绍了采用自制阳离子改性剂SS对纯棉胚纱进行预处理改性,茶皂素前处理和活性染料染色工艺。重点分析了对纯棉胚纱不均匀改性的阳离子改性剂SS的质量浓度、改性温度和时间对染色深度的影响,得出较佳的预处理工艺:改性剂的质量浓度3 g/L,40℃改性3 min;通过棉织物风格确定茶皂素前处理方法和活性染料染色工艺。结果表明,棉胚纱经阳离子不均匀改性染色后达到段纺的效果。
Cotton yarn which was modified by self-made cationic modifier SS was investigated, and then the yarn was pretreated by tea saponin and dyed with reactive dyes. The factors of the dosages of cationic modifier SS, modified temperature, and modified times were analyzed. The optimal modification process was obtained by series of experiments : 3 g,/L of modifier SS, dipping at 40 ~C for 3 min. The process of pretreatment by tea saponin and of the dyeing with reactive dyes were got through the style of cotton fabric. The results showed that cotton yarn can achieve the appearance of satin through the modification of the cationic modifier before dyeing.
Chemical Fiber & Textile Technology