
硅油填充与并发性白内障 被引量:1

Silicone oil tamponade and complicated cataract
摘要 硅油填充术作为目前复杂性视网膜脱离的主流术式,已被广泛应用。由于硅油本身特性,可引起晶状体混浊,因此了解术后并发性白内障形成原因并积极预防及处理均有较大的临床意义。 As the main operation for the complex retinal detachment, the silicone oil tamponade is adopted widely at present. Silicone oil can cause lens opacity due to its property, there is a clinical significance to understand the causes and treatment for complicated cataract.
作者 杨楠 康刚劲
出处 《国际眼科杂志》 CAS 2012年第10期1907-1909,共3页 International Eye Science
关键词 硅油填充术 眼并发症 白内障 晶状体 silicone oil tamponade ocular complications cataract lens
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