目的建立液相色谱分析方法,对市售的30种不同厂家牌号(原装)染料型黑色喷墨打印字迹进行区分鉴别。方法通过选择最佳的提取条件、流动相,考察纸张、字迹形成方式等的影响,及样品及仪器的稳定性实验,确定实验条件。结果选择了最佳的反相高效液相色谱(RP-HPLC)分析方法:固定相为X-bridge Shield RP18(3.5μm,4.6×100mm),流动相为乙腈-NH4HCO3溶液(10mmol/L),梯度洗脱,检测波长为585nm、475nm;用该方法,根据字迹染料成分的差异将30种样品分为四大类17小类。结论该方法可以为鉴别区分不同厂家染料型黑色喷墨打印字迹提供依据。
Objective To establish an HPLC method for distinguishing printing entries made by thirty dye-based black inkjet of different trademarks and manufacturers. Methods In the experiment, the extraction solvents and mobile phase were optimized. The influence of the paper and the ways of printing were also investigated. In addition, the precision and repeatability of the established method were examined. Results The separation was performed on an X-bridge Shield RP18 (3.5 txm,4.6xl00 mm)column. Gradient elution was carried out with acetonitrile and ammonium bicarbonate solution (NH4HC03, 10mmol/L) as the mobile phase. The detection wavelengths were 585 nm and 475 rim. Under this condition, according to the differences of the main dye components, the thirty dye-based black inkjet entries could be categorized into four main classes. Conclusion The study provides an effective, reliable and stable method for discrimination of different dye-based black inkjet entries.
Chinese Journal of Forensic Sciences