针对目前开发者多在分析和设计阶段采用Agent UML为多智能体(MAS)建立模型,但无法实施对模型的验证。文中实施了能够将Agent UML可视化模型转换为基于Agent的应用程序——JADE代码,并且使将多Agent协商的分析、设计和实施集成在一起,形成一套完整的开发方法学,并提供完整易用的工具插件支持。
Now days, much more researchers pay attention to model MAS on Agent UML during anlaying and desining period. But it is unable to implement the model test. This paper implements to change AUML model into the application program on multiagent framework JADE. And, it presents a graphical plugin which tries to bridge this gap by integrating design and implementation of multiagent conversations.
Information Technology