
主题和争论--穿越起点:21世纪中国电影研究 被引量:1

Issues and Debates Crossing the threshold: Chinese cinema studies in the twenty-first century
摘要 本文从三个方面指出未来中国电影的研究途径:一,以包容的,世界性的,比较的态度质疑对中国电影中的"中国性"的断言。二,在目前对艺术电影普遍持有偏见的语境下,关注更多的大众化、本土化中国电影。三,中国电影中的"中国性",不仅根植于文本和导演,同样产生于剧院生产体制及受众中。 This article proposes three trajectories for future studies on Chinese cinema. It argues, first, for an inclusive, cosmopolitan and comparative approach that critically interrogates the alleged ' Chineseness' of Chinese cinema. Second, in the context of a current bias towards art cinema, it argues to study the more popular, vernacular kind of Chinese cinemas. Third, it proposes a broader framework of analysis, one that includes the production of the cinematic text as well as its reception. It is argued that the ' Chineseness' of Chinese cinema is not just located in the text or its auteur, but also in its cinematic production and reception.
出处 《南京师范大学文学院学报》 CSSCI 2012年第3期10-13,共4页 Journal of School of Chinese Language and Culture Nanjing Normal University
关键词 中国性 世界性 文化生产 受众 本土电影 Chineseness cosmopolitanism cultural production reception vernacular cinema
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