

Ritual Behavior in the Social Structure:Yushen Carnival of Fujian and Taiwan from Turner's Ritual Perspective
摘要 以特纳的仪式理论为视角,通过文献分析与田野调查,探讨闽台舁神出游这种民间信仰节俗的"结构与反结构"属性。研究发现无论是以沿门逐疫祈福为目的的迎神赛会,还是以进香谒祖为目的的游神香会,都体现了一定范畴的社会结构的强调与再生产,由此认为闽台舁神出游节俗系社会结构中的仪式行为。与此同时,仪式还在展演过程中建构了传统文化语境中的政治空间模型。 From the perspective of Victor Turner's Ritual theories and based on literature review and field survey, this paper studies the property of structure and anti-structure in the Yushen Carnival in Fujian and Taiwan and finds that since both the plague-expelling Yushen Parade and the sacrifice-offering Yushen Ceremony show to some extent the emphasis on social structure and reproduction, they are ritual behaviors in social structure. Meanwhile, they build a model of political space in the context of traditional culture in the performance.
作者 胡丹
出处 《厦门理工学院学报》 2012年第3期6-10,共5页 Journal of Xiamen University of Technology
基金 厦门市社会科学调研资助重大课题(厦社科院[2011]46号)
关键词 民间信仰节俗 舁神出游 迎神赛会 游神香会 结构与反结构 folk custom yushen carnival yushen parade yushen ceremony structure & anti-structure
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