
领导替代及其与变革型领导的关系 被引量:1

Leadership Substitutes and its Relationship with Transformational Leadership
摘要 研究领导替代理论及其与变革型领导理论的关系,以期为领导替代理论研究困境找到一个突破口,并为两种理论的融合提供研究思路和理论借鉴。研究发现领导替代显著影响变革型领导的有效性作用机制,两者融合有助于准确把握领导有效性内在机理;跨文化研究,内部作用机制的探讨,替代因素作用类型和调节效应的细致剖析,新兴理论的融入将是两种理论关系研究的新的切入点。 The article examines the leadership substitutes theory and its relationship with the transformational leadership theory in order to break through the stagnant leadership substitutes theory and find new ideas and inspiration for theoretical reference in the integration of these two theories. Researches have showed that leadership substitutes significantly affect the impact mechanism of transformational leadership on leadership effectiveness. The integration of these two theories will help to grasp the internal mechanism of leadership effectiveness. Cross-cultural research, internal mechanism study, and detailed analysis of substitution roles and types and its moderating effects are the new starting points for research of these two theories.
作者 李晓青
出处 《厦门理工学院学报》 2012年第3期86-90,共5页 Journal of Xiamen University of Technology
基金 教育部人文社会科学规划项目(11YJA630057)
关键词 领导替代理论 变革型领导理论 关系 leadership substitutes theory transformational leadership theory relationship
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