
市场潜力与地区工资差异——来自中国地级面板数据的实证分析 被引量:3

Market Potential and Regional Wage Inequality——an Empirical Analysis Based on China District Panel Data
摘要 笔者借鉴了新经济地理学的分析框架,使用我国176个地级城市的面板数据检验地区工资与市场潜力之间的联系,检验结果证实地区工资与市场潜力是正相关的。地区工资对市场潜力的弹性系数在0.75~0.77之间。人力资本、外商直接投资和自然地理条件对地区工资亦有影响。同时发现临近高市场潜力的地区,工资水平会随着时间推移而提高,但这种影响在地理范围上比较有限。 Based on a new economic geography (NEG) framework, the paper examines the link between wages and market potential using panel data on 176 prefectural level cities in China. The estimation results confirm that wages are positively correlated with market potential. Elasticity coefficient of wages with respect to market potential is about 75-77%. Human capital, FDI and natural conditions are also correlation with regional wages. Importance of proximity to markets for wages has also increased over time, but the effect of such shock is geographically limited.
作者 陈博
出处 《经济经纬》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期17-21,共5页 Economic Survey
基金 国家软科学研究计划重大项目(2011GXS2D036) 浙江省哲学社会科学规划立项课题(11YD57YB)
关键词 市场潜力 工资差异 劳动力流动 新经济地理 Market Potential Wage Inequality Labor Mobility New Economic Geography
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