
不同基因辅助选择方法对QTL的选择效率 被引量:3

Efficiencies of QTL Selection under Different Gene-assisted Selection Methods
摘要 在假定目标性状由一个QTL和多基因共同控制的基础上,采用计算机模拟方法研究了在一个闭锁群体内分别采用基因型选择(GTS)、基因辅助BLUP(GBLUP)和常规动物模型BLUP方法对单个性状实施连续选择的效果,并以常规动物模型BLUP为参照,分析了GTS和GBLUP方法对目标性状QTL的选择效率。结果表明:与常规动物模型BLUP相比,GTS和GBLUP选择均可获得更大的QTL基因型值进展,QTL增效等位基因频率上升的速度也更快;与GBLUP相比,GTS方法对QTL的选择效率更高。GTS和GBLUP对QTL的选择优势在短期选择时较为明显,随着世代的递增,这种优势将逐渐降低甚至消失。 Assumed that the target trait was controlled by one QTL and polygenes, the effects of continuous selection on single trait in a closed population under genotype selection (GTS), gene-assisted bestlinear unbiased prediction (GBLUP) and conventional animal model best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) were estatimated by using computer simulation method, respectively. The efficiencies of QTLselection from GTS and GBLUP were analyzed by taking the method of conventional animal BLUP as the control. Compared with those from conventional animal BLUP, GTS and GBLUP would gain higher genetic response of QTL genotypic value, and faster increase of the frequency of QTL favorable allele, and the QTL selective efficiency of GTS was higher than that of GBLUP. The superiority of GTS and GBLUPcompared with conventional animal BLUP for QTL selection was much obvious in short-term selection, but it would be decreased gradually and even disappeared with the increase of generation.
出处 《云南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期682-686,共5页 Journal of Yunnan Agricultural University:Natural Science
基金 国家"863"计划重点项目(2008AA101001) 云南省现代农业生猪产业技术体系建设项目[云财农(2011)191号]
关键词 动物模型BLUP 基因型选择 基因辅助BLUP 遗传进展 QTL增效等位基因 animal model BLUP genotype selection gene-assisted BLUP genetic response QTL fa-vorable allele
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