

Transportation Market Decision-making Model Based on the Direct Load Control
摘要 直接负荷控制(DLC)对运输市场具有灵活的激励作用,分析了在实施DLC后任意时段的客流量,将其与线路的实际客流量作比较,确定线路所处的状态,针对所处的状态,确定票价的调整比例,以刺激运输市场,诱导客流的走向,缓解客流高峰时段与低峰时段的流量差。由此建立兼顾运输企业和货物收发货人或代理人利益的多目标规划数学模型,并找到了模型的求解算法。 Direct load control (DLC) has flexible incentive effects on transportation market. The paper analyzes passenger flow volume in any random period after the implementation of DLC. When making comparisons with the actual passenger flow volume, the paper identifies the real state of the lines and decides on ticket price adjust- ment proportion in order to stimulate transportation market, to guide the direction of the passenger flow and to ease the passenger differential flow of high-peak and low-peak stage. In this way, a multi-objective programming mathematical model can be established, which takes into account the optimum interests of the transport enter- prises, the consignees or consignors and the agents, thus working out the solution algorithm model.
出处 《华东交通大学学报》 2012年第4期92-95,共4页 Journal of East China Jiaotong University
关键词 直接负荷控制 交通运输 多目标规划 高峰负荷 反弹负荷 direct load control transportation multi-objective programming peak load payback load
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