
DNA甲基化与脊椎动物胚胎发育 被引量:17

DNA methylation in vertebrate embryogenesis
摘要 DNA甲基化是指DNA甲基转移酶(DNMT)将DNA序列中的5′胞嘧啶转变为5′甲基胞嘧啶的化学修饰,可以调控基因的时空特异性表达,从而影响细胞命运决定和分化等生物学过程。近年来研究发现,DNA甲基化在脊椎动物胚胎早期发育中有重要作用,Dnmt基因的缺失会影响胚胎早期发育和多个器官的形成及分化,如胚胎早期致死、内脏器官和神经系统终末分化缺陷以及血液发生紊乱等。文章总结了DNA甲基化转移酶在小鼠和斑马鱼发育过程中的动态变化,并系统阐述了DNA甲基化在胚胎早期发育和器官发生中的作用,重点揭示DNA甲基化转移酶与组蛋白甲基化转移酶如何协同调控DNA甲基化从而影响基因转录的分子机理。DNA甲基化作为一种关键的表观遗传学因素,全面系统地理解其在胚胎发育过程中的作用机制对靶向治疗人类相关疾病有一定的理论指导意义。 DNA methylation is an important epigenetic modification that regulates temporal and spatial expression of genes for controlling cell fate and differentiation. Recently, DNA methylation has been demonstrated to be required for vertebrate early embryogenesis. Loss of Dnmt genes in zebrafish and mice caused defects in organogenesis and tissue terminal differentiation. This paper summarizes the dynamic expression pattern of Dnmt genes and the roles of DNA methylation from early embryogenesis to organogenesis in both mice and zebrafish, specifically, how DNA methylation and histone modifications cooperatively regulate gene transcription during these processes. Better understanding of DNA methylation in vertebrate embryogenesis will provide insights for new treatment of DNA methylation-related human diseases.
出处 《遗传》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期1108-1113,共6页 Hereditas(Beijing)
关键词 DNA甲基化 DNA甲基转移酶 血液发生 胚胎发育 斑马鱼 小鼠 DNA methylation DNA methyltransferase hematopoiesis embryogenesis zebrafish mouse
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