

Simulation of the Teaching Team Based on Multi-agent
摘要 为了研究教学团队中的合作竞争动态过程及如何建立教学团队中的合作机制以提高团队整体绩效,提出了利己性与非利己性并存的人性假设及资源有限性与资源无限性并存的假设,将直接互惠、间接互惠及情感利他等机制引入到了教学团队的合作竞争研究中,建立了成员Agent和团队Agent的仿真模型。分别分析了教师对教师及教师对学生的单次静态博弈交互双方的收益构成情况及策略均衡,仿真了多Agent动态多次交互演化过程,分析了仿真结果,得出如下结论:教学团队成员能否合作与合作内容无关;要提高团队总体绩效,需保持团队内部关系融洽、加强团队风气建设、保持关键资源充足、促进公平。最后,在仿真结论的基础上,介绍了许昌学院的实际应用情况。 In order to study the dynamic process of cooperation-competition in the teaching team and the construction of a cooperation mechanism to improve the overall performance,this paper proposes the hypothesis that both egoism and non-egoism exist in humanity and that resources are both limited and unlimited.It brings the mechanism of direct reciprocity,indirect reciprocity and kin altruism into the study of cooperation-competition in the teaching team,builds the Member-agent and Team-agent simulation model,and analyzes the payoff and strategy equilibrium in single round interaction of teacher-to-teacher and teacher-to-student respectively.Moreover,it simulates the infinite round dynamic interactions between multi-agent and reachs the conclusions that whether team members cooperate or not has nothing to do with what they cooperate on,and that in order to improve the overall performance of the team it is necessary to maintain a harmonious relationship between members,to form a positive atmosphere,to keep critical resources sufficient,and to promote equity.Finally,it introduced the practical application in Xuchang University.
作者 李铁
出处 《实验室研究与探索》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第6期181-185,共5页 Research and Exploration In Laboratory
基金 许昌学院教学研究项目(02010028)
关键词 教学团队 合作竞争 Multi-Agent仿真 间接互惠 复杂适应系统 teaching team cooperation-competition simulation based on multi-agent indirect reciprocity CAS
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