

A Discussion of the Construction Funding Sources in the Byzantine Empire in Justiniani's Reign
摘要 查士丁尼一世在位期间,在帝国境内进行了大规模的建筑活动,这些建筑主要是民用工程和军事设施,特别是修建了大量的教堂,尤以首都圣索菲亚教堂的建筑规模最大,并耗费了大量的人力和物力。当时帝国巨额的军费开支占去了大量的国库收入,帝国大规模的建筑活动又使帝国政府面临巨大的资金压力,为此,帝国政府想方设法进行筹措。中外学者对庞大的建筑资金来源问题历来众说纷纭,争论不已。这是一个值得探讨的问题。 Justinian I carried out construction activities on a large scale in empire territory during his reign of the Byzantine Em- pire, whhich was mainly engineering military facilities and civilian use; Built a number of churches, particularly in the building of the capital's largest Church of Saint Sophia spent lot of manpower and resources. Besides Huge military expenditure as a share of the Empire at that time went to the Treasury of substantial income, massive construction activity of the Empire?was facing huge financial pressures?to the Imperial Government .To this end, the imperial government tried to raise construction capital to solve the huge con- struction costs. Chinese and foreign scholars on the construction cost of rebuilding the church and source of funds has usually been different opinions. This is a worthy of discussion.
作者 王云清
机构地区 长江师范学院
出处 《兴义民族师范学院学报》 2012年第3期22-26,共5页 Journal of Minzu Normal University of Xingyi
关键词 查士丁尼一世 拜占廷帝国 资金来源 建筑动机 Justinian I the Byzantine Empire Financial Resource Building Motivation
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