
近现代孔教会在东南亚华人社会中的改造与变异——新加坡、马来西亚和印尼孔教会的个案分析 被引量:2

Confucious Churches:Transformation and Conversion in the Mordern Chinese Communities in Southeast Asia——A Case Study on Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia
摘要 辛亥革命后,在中国的封建知识分子以成立孔教会的方式将儒学改造成为"宗教"的同时,孔教会也在东南亚多个国家诞生。因之,在20世纪上半叶,东南亚华侨社会中发生了一场持续数十年之久的思想—宗教磨合运动。本文认为,这场运动后来逐渐与"儒学宗教化"的宗旨脱轨,成为一场儒学在华侨社会中"当地化"的"普及"运动。本文以新加坡、马来西亚和印尼三国的孔教会为案例对上述现象做了分析,认为各国孔教会的发展路向不同,新加坡孔教会是走向学院化,马六甲孔教会是从民俗化走向学院化,印尼孔教会则表现为宗教化。本文也对今天中华文化的对外交流提供了认识方法上的启示。 After the 1911 Revolution, while Chinese feudal intellectuals transformed Confucianism into a "religion" thru the set-up of the Confucious Church, Confucious Churches were also born in a number of countries in Southeast Asia. Consequently, in the first half of last century, a movement of binding culture with religion that lasted for decades occurred in the overseas Chinese communities in Southeast Asia. This paper argues that the movement gradually moved away" from the "Confucian religion", and became a movement that aims at localizing and universalizing Confucianism in the overseas Chinese community. The independent from each other, therefore, the "localization" of Confucianism "Universalizing movement"is mostly in the overseas Chinese communities gradually developed into a movement specific of the country of residence, depending on the difference in national conditions and overseas compatriots. This paper analyzes the above phenomenon thru Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia as the three case studies, and argues these three countries have different road of development.The Singapore Confucious Church became institutionalised; Malacca Confucious Church developed from folk custom into institution; Indonesia Confucious Church became religionalized. This paper also tries to provide insights and understanding into the international exchanges of chinese culture today.
作者 高伟浓 陈华
出处 《东南亚纵横》 CSSCI 2012年第8期49-55,共7页 Crossroads:Southeast Asian Studies
关键词 孔教会 新加坡 马来西亚 印尼 Confucious Church Singapore Malaysia Indonesia
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