天使投资(Angel Investment)作为风险投资的子系统,在西方国家已非常发达,但在我国仍是一个相对陌生的概念。通过对天使投资的简要介绍,明确创业者应承担信义义务,并针对创业者出现的道德风险,试图在现有法律的基础上,利用合同加以规制,以维护天使投资者的利益。
Angel Investment, as a sub-system in risk investment, has well-developed in western countries, but in China is still a relatively new concept. Based on the brief introduction of angel investment, this paper clarifies the fiduciary duties borne by entrepreneurs and the moral risk of entrepreneurs, trying on the existing legal basis to use normalized contract to safeguard the interests of investors.
Journal of Fujian Institute of Financial Administrators