
分布式创新的合作博弈分析 被引量:3

A Cooperative Game Analysis of Distributed Innovation
摘要 分布式创新作为一种新型的技术创新模式,已被许多跨国公司和大型企业所积极运用和实践。分布式创新的合作受多种因素影响,是一个博弈过程。基于博弈理论,通过参与分布式创新的企业间的一次性合作博弈、重复合作博弈和合作协议约束下的合作博弈模型的分析,阐释了分布式创新合作机制形成的机理。博弈模型分析表明:企业之间的一次性合作博弈不能建立分布式创新的合作机制,重复合作博弈为通过市场机制自发形成分布式创新的内在合作机制提供了可能,而合作协议的事先引入则更有利于分布式创新合作机制的形成和合作的稳定。根据以上分析,从重视和加强合作协议和合同的管理、构建分布式创新信任机制、建立惩罚和退出机制三个方面提出了构建分布式创新合作机制的对策。 Distributed innovation, as a new innovation model, has been actively used and practiced by multinational companies and large enterprises. The cooperation of distributed innovation are influenced by many factors, is a game process. Based on game theo- ry, the paper interpreted the formation mechanism of distributed innovation's cooperative mechanism via the game analysis of one-shot game, repeated game and the cooperative game under cooperation agreement. The game models indicate that one-shot game between enterprises can't establish the cooperation mechanism of distributed innovation. The repeated cooperative game offer the probability for the formation of distributed innovations internal cooperation mechanism spontaneous through the market mechanism. And the prior intro- duction of the cooperation agreement is more conducive to the formation of cooperation mechanism and strength the stability cooperation. According to the above analysis, the paper put forward the countermeasure of how to set up distributed innovation's cooperation mecha- nism by emphasize and strengthen the cooperation agreement and contract management, building the trust mechanism of distributed inno- vation and establish punishment and quit mechanism.
作者 闫俊周
出处 《技术经济与管理研究》 2012年第10期49-52,共4页 Journal of Technical Economics & Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目:分布式创新网络中的知识粘滞研究(71072076) 河南省政府2012年决策研究招标课题:河南省产业集群创新发展研究 河南省教育厅科学技术研究重点资助计划项目:河南省战略性新兴产业的培育与发展策略研究(12A630090)
关键词 分布式创新 合作机制 创新共同体 技术创新 Distributed innovation Cooperation mechanism Community of creation Technology innovation
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