
行业危机情境下的多组织替代学习研究 被引量:2

Multi-organization's Vicarious Learning in the Industry Crisis Context
摘要 危机虽然对组织的运行框架产生破坏作用,但是也可以成为组织学习有价值的来源。针对近年来行业危机频发的现实情况,采用替代学习的理论框架分析了行业内多个组织针对个别组织的危机进行学习的四个阶段。在注意阶段,组织需要选择观察对象及其行为范本;在保持阶段,组织则利用观察到的行为重构心智模式;在动作复现阶段,组织实践他们所学到的内容并不断加以调整;在动机阶段,组织通过强化的方式巩固新的组织实践。此外,在行业危机情境下,这种替代学习不仅需要行业组织自身的努力,更强调各利益相关者在四个阶段的参与、合作和对话。这种社会互动式的多组织共同开展的替代学习对于提升行业危机的治理能力,走出行业危机困境具有重要作用。 Despite their devastating consequences to organizational operating framework, crises also are a valuable source of learni- ng for organizations. In recent years, the industry crisis occurred frequently. This study uses a vicarious learning theory framework to explore the four vicarious learning processes from the other's crisis. In the attention process, the organization needs to select the models and their behaviors for observation, in the retention process, the organization uses the observed behaviors to reconstruct the mental model, in the motor reproduction process, the organization practices what they have learned and continues to adjust them, in the motivation process, the organization uses the intensive way to consolidate the new organizational practices. In addition, in the industry crisis context, vicarious learning not only needs organizations" own efforts, but also emphasizes stakeholders" participation, cooperation and dialogue during the four processes. Through social interaction, the vicarious learning carried out by multi-organization within the industry has an important role in improving the governance capacity of the industry crisis and pushing the industry out of the crisis.
作者 卢小君
出处 《技术经济与管理研究》 2012年第10期65-68,共4页 Journal of Technical Economics & Management
关键词 替代学习 行业危机 利益相关者 社会学习 Vicarious learning Industry crisis~ Stakeholder Social learning
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