The modern service industry is the focus of international competition and the inevitable trend of urban economic development. This paper describes the overall status of the Dalian modern service industry which is presented as the further expanded scale of the service industry, the rapid growth of the fixed investment in the tertiary industry, more foreign capital used in Modern service industry than before and the important driving forces of the service industry towards the urban eco- nomic development. It also analyzes the development status of four important industries, namely software services industry, financial services, tourism and modern logistics industry. And it points out the existing problems that Dalian develops modern service industry. Firstly, the proportion of the tertiary industry accounted for the total economic added value is still lower than the secondary in- dustry. Secondly, the traditional service is still the larger part of Dalian service industry. Thirdly, there are still great gaps between the level of the tertiary industry in Dalian and in other developed cities. Fourthly, compared to the overall level of the developed country, the development of modern logistics industry is still in the initial stage. Then it analyzes the advantages, weaknesses, opportuni- ties and threats of Dalian modern service industry qualitatively. Finally it presents that Dalian should follow the strategies of developing competitive industries, exerting the policy advantage, industry- driving development of producer services and establishing improvement personnel training in the de- velopment of Dalian modern service industry according to the analysis result.
Journal of Liaoning Normal University:Natural Science Edition
modern service industry~ tertiary industry