
基于产品低碳责任的供应链风险与竞争分析 被引量:5

Analysis of Risk Aversion and Competition in Supply Chain Based on Product′s Low-carbon Responsibility
摘要 从低碳经济背景下的产品低碳责任出发,运用博弈论的基本思想,对低碳经济下供应链的风险规避与竞争进行了分析。结果表明:制造商履行产品低碳责任水平不受决策参与者风险规避度的影响,产品均衡价格和分销商的期望收益均是分销商风险规避度的减函数,这将导致市场消费者对产品需求的增加,从而提升制造商的期望收益;与非竞争相比较,竞争将会降低产品的定价,但同时也会降低供应链履行产品低碳责任的水平,供应链通过横向合作解决非零和博弈造成的价格竞争和产品低碳责任方面的"囚徒困境"问题是实现整个系统利益优化的关键。 Starting from product's low-carbon responsibility under the background of low -carbon economy, applying the basic idea of game theory, the essay studies on risk aversion and competition based on low - carbon economy. The results show that: decision - making participant's risk aversion degrees does not influence the level of the manufacturer performance of product's low -carbon responsibility, and product equilibrium price and expected revenue of retailer are a decreasing function of retailer's risk aversion degree, which will lead to increase of product demand of consumer in market, so as to en- hance the manufacturer's expected revenue; the competition would not only reduce product pricing, but also reduce the per- formance of product low - carbon responsibility of supply chain. It is a key factor of realizing the optimization of the whole system interests that the supply chain solving the "prisoner's dilemma" problem of price competition and product's low - carbon resoonsibilitv bv means of transverse eoooeration.
作者 孟炯 郭春霞
出处 《软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第9期30-33,共4页 Soft Science
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(70932005) 四川省科技支撑计划项目(2011FZ0008) 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(12YJAZH092) 西南科技大学博士基金项目(11sx7104)
关键词 低碳经济 供应链 产品低碳责任 风险规避 竞争 low - carbon economy supply chain product's low - carbon responsibility risk aversion competition
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