
两种pH调整剂、不同矿浆pH值测试点对白云石浮选规律的影响 被引量:3

Effect of Two Kinds of pH Regulator and Test Point of Pulp pH Value on the Flotation Behavior of Dolomite with Fatty Acid as Collector
摘要 考察HCl、H2SO4两种pH调整剂以及不同pH测试点对白云石单矿物的浮选规律的影响,通过XRD、XPS、矿浆中Ca2+、Mg2+浓度等测试分析了硫酸根离子对白云石表面的影响。试验结果表明,在酸性条件下,矿浆pH值随时间发生较大变化,导致浮选控制过程中的难度增加。若以捕收剂加入时pH值控制浮选过程,可以在pH 2.0~3.5获得白云石较高的回收率。测试结果表明,采用H2SO4作为pH调整剂时,硫酸根离子与白云石表面钙离子形成石膏沉淀,导致白云石表面发生转化,阻碍了矿物与捕收剂之间的相互作用,使得采用H2SO4作为pH调整剂时,当pH<5.0时,随着pH值的降低白云石回收率迅速降低。 In the present work,effect of HCl,H2SO4 and test point of pulp pH value on flotation behavior of dolomite was investigated by micro-flotation,and mechanism was study by XRD,XPS and studying concentration of Ca2+,Mg2+ in the pulp.Results of flotation test shows that pH value of pulp has changed greatly with the changing of conditioning period.The variation of the pulp pH value increased difficult in the control of flotation.This contradiction could be avoided,if the pH value when the collector was added be used to control the flotation processes.Surface conversion of dolomite was confirmed by results of XRD,XPS with H2SO4 as pH regulator.The adsorption of collector on dolomite was hampered by this kind of surface conversion,resulting in the recovery of dolomite decreased rapidly when pH〈5.0 with H2SO4 as pH regulator.
作者 祁宗 孙传尧
出处 《有色金属(选矿部分)》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第5期74-78,共5页 Nonferrous Metals(Mineral Processing Section)
基金 “十一五”国家科技支撑计划重点项目(2007BAB08B02)
关键词 白云石 单矿物浮选 pH调整剂 矿浆pH值测试点 dolomite single mineral-flotation pH regulator test point of pulp pH value
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