
2007年以来的越南与印度关系:发展及特点 被引量:5

The Relations between Vietnam and India since 2007:Development,Features and Motiviations
摘要 从2007年越南和印度签订《战略伙伴关系联合宣言》以来,两国关系迅速发展,在政治、军事、经济和文化方面都取得了丰硕的合作成果。越南利用大国平衡战略,积极发展与印度政治军事关系,制衡中国的意图日益凸显,但越印目前的合作方式具有时效性和局限性,将不会是两国今后合作的长远模式,也不会改变中国在两国对外关系中的地位和作用。 The relations between Vietnam and India have developed rapidly since signing the Joint Declaration on Strategic Partnership in 2007,and rich achievements in political,military,economic and cultural cooperation have been made.Vietnam and India develop bilateral political and military relations based on common balance of powers strategy,its intention of counterbalancing China is getting more and more obvious.However,cooperation between two sides with time-limited and limitations will not be a sustainable model in their future.Their cooperation will not change China's position and role in two countries' external relations.
作者 胡潇文
出处 《东南亚南亚研究》 2012年第3期18-24,92,共7页 Southeast Asia & South Asian Studies
关键词 越南 印度 关系 原因 特点 前景 Vietnam India Cause Features Motiviations
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