The viability of most tomato varieties cultivated in Libya have been tested to infect with potato spindle tuber viroid/potatoes (PSTVd) and its impact on growth and production of some of these varieties, which were mechanically inoculated with Libyan isolate of viroid PSTVd as follows: Vlkato, Sankarh, Lebda, Jasmine, Kenza and Hana. The percent of incidence were 95.95%, 90%, 90.80%, 80% and 20%, respectively. The following varieties have been contagious mechanically with viroid of PSTVd: Vlkato, zahra, Toria, Lebda, Hoda, Farwa, Alkaraz, Naziha, Rim Star and Kartika. The percent of incidence were 95.95%, 85%, 85.80%, 80%, 70.40%, 0.0%, 0.0%, respectively. The varied symptoms of wrinkle, twist, warp, swell the veins of the leaves, dark brown spots formation and a large yellow spots turned into white patches. Also the effect of the Egyptian isolate viroid PSTVd in the growth and production of varieties Jasmine, Lebda, Soberhalim, and treasure No. 185 had been studied, as the average rates of decline in the production of the fruits tomatoes/tomato 43.4% and 17% length of plants, and in the fresh weight and dry root of the sum of 35% and 37% respictively.