
遵义市2型糖尿病患者社会支持及应对方式的调查分析 被引量:4

Survey and analysis on social support and coping style of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Zunyi city
摘要 目的通过对在遵义医学院附属医院内分泌科就诊的2型糖尿病患者的心理社会支持、应对方式状况调查,为2型糖尿病患者的心理干预提供参考。方法采用自编一般情况调查表、社会支持评定量表(SSRS)、应付方式问卷对在遵义医学院附属医院内分泌科就诊的2型糖尿病患者进行问卷调查。结果 2型糖尿病患者社会支持量表女性主观支持高于男性,差异有统计学意义(P=0.010);无配偶者对社会支持的利用度高于有配偶者,差异有统计学意义(P=0.020);高中文化的患者客观支持和对社会支持的利用度高于小学文化患者,差异有统计学意义(P=0.047、0.001);初中文化的患者对社会支持的利用度低于高中文化患者,差异有统计学意义(P=0.022);高中文化的患者主观支持和对社会支持的利用度高于大专以上文化患者,差异有统计学意义(P=0.022、0.024)。应付方式量表在自责因子上小学、初中文化的患者高于大专以上文化患者,农村高于城市,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);在解决问题因子上高中、大专以上文化的患者高于小学文化患者,高中文化的患者高于初中文化患者,城市高于农村,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论性别、婚姻状况、文化程度等是影响遵义市2型糖尿病患者社会支持的主要因素;文化程度、家庭居住地等是影响患者应对方式的主要因素。糖尿病心理干预工作应有重点、分对象,提供综合性的干预措施和有针对性的防控方案。 Objective To survey the status of coping style and social support of the patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM)in the endocrinology department of our hospital to provide reference for their psychological intervention care work.Methods The self-built general condition questionnaire,the social support rating scale(SSRS) and the coping style questionnaire were adopted to conduct the questionaire survey on T2DM patients.Results The SSRS results indicated that females showed more subjective support than males with statistical difference(P=0.010).Singles had a higher score of using social support than the married with statistical difference(P=0.020).On education levels,the patients with high school culture had higher objective support and utilization degree of support than the patients with primary school culture level,the difference was statistically significant(P=0.047,0.001).The patients with high school culture had higher subjective support and higher utilization degree of support than the patients with junior middle school culture,the difference was statistically significant(P=0.022).The patients with high school culture had higher subjective support and higher using degree of support than the patients with college culture,the difference was statistically significant(P=0.022,0.024).In the coping style questionnaire,the self-accusation factor in the patients with primary school and junior middle school culture was higher than that with college culture,the difference was statistically significant.There was also statistical differences in environmental field between rural and urbanpatients(P〈0.05).The solving-problem factor in the patients with high school culture and college culture was higher than that in the patients with primary school,the high school culture was higher than the junior middle school culture and the urban patietns was higher than the rural patients difference was statistically significant.There was also statistical differences in environmental field between patients of urban and rural(P〈0.05),all showing statistical difference.Conclusion The social support of the patients with T2DM in Zunyi city is mainly influenced by the factors such as sex,marital status and the degree of education.The coping style of the patients with T2DM is mainly influenced by the factors such as family residence and the degree of education.Focus and object should be set in preventing and psychological treating T2DM in Zunyi city.Active all-round and pertinent preventive measures and treatment should be offered.
出处 《现代医药卫生》 2012年第18期2757-2759,共3页 Journal of Modern Medicine & Health
基金 贵州省科学技术基金资助项目(C-706)
关键词 糖尿病 2型 社会支持 应对方式 问卷调查 Diabetes mellitus,type 2 Social support Coping style Questionnaires
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