毛Conola油经水化、碱炼、脱色及脱臭处理后 ,油脂中有白色结晶颗粒均匀分散在油中 ,确定该结晶物的主要成分为糠醋 .也就是说 ,毛Canola油中掺入了毛米糠油 .同时根据糠蜡所具有的高熔点特性 。
Refined by degumming,allkali refining,bleaching and deodorizing,a large amount of white crystaline components dispersed evenly in the deodorized Canola oil.The study analyzed the crystalline components,and the results showed that crude rice bran was mixed with crude Canola oil.The bran wax can be separated by dry fractionation because of its high melting point.
Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Technology