:目的 :把母婴同室的新生儿感染率控制到最低限度。方法 :采用回顾性分析方法 ,对近两年我院母婴同室新生儿感染情况与过去母婴分室新生儿感染的情况进行对比 ,分析新生儿感染因素。结果 :母婴同室新生儿感染发生率 4 .4 % ,比母婴分室新生感染率 10 .2 8%明显降低 (P<0 .0 1)。日龄大于 3d的新生儿母婴同室的感染率明显低于母婴分室的感染率 (P<0 .0 5) ,日龄 3d内的新生儿母婴同室与母婴分室无明显差异 (P>0 .0 5)。结论 :母婴同室实行的各项措施比较有效地控制了新生儿的产后感染途径。使新生儿感染率明显下降。而要进一步降低感染率 ,则应注意控制新生儿在产前与产时的感染。
Objective:[WT5BZ] To reduce the neonate infection rate to the least degree.[WT5HZ]Methods:[WT5BZ] Compared neonates infection in the room of mother and infant in recent two years with the ones not in the room of mother and infant in the past,the reasons of neonate infection were analyzed by using retrospective analysis.[WT5HZ]Result:[WT5BZ] The percentage of neonates infection in the room of mother and infant,which was 4.4%,was obviously lower than those not in the room of mother and infant,which was 10.28%.After three days of neogenesis,the percentage of neonates infection in the room of mother and infant was much lower than those not in the room of mother and infant(P<0.05),while there was not obvious difference between them during the three days after neogenesis(P>0.05).[WT5HZ]Conclusion:[WT5BZ]Putting neonate and his mother in the same room and adopting the corresponding methods can reduce the neonate infection rate effectively.To reduce more,neonate infection before delivery and during delivery should be controlled.This must be done from perinatal health care. [WT5HZ]
Hebei Medicine