:目的 :探讨酚妥拉明对去甲肾上腺毒 (NE)性心肌损伤时保护作用的机理。方法 :采用静滴超生理量去甲肾上腺素致心肌损伤 ,观察兔外周血红细胞内 Ca2 + ,Mg2 + 、心肌细胞膜 Ca2 + — Mg2 +ATPase,Na+ — K+ - ATPase的变化及酚妥拉明的保护作用。结果 :酚妥拉明组各次指标均与 NE组有显著性差异 (P<0 .0 5或 0 .0 1)。结论 :酚妥拉明可防止或减轻 NE心肌损伤时 Ca2 + 超载、Mg2 +
Objectives:[WT5BZ]To investigate the mechanism of protective effect of phentolamine on myocardial damage induced by nerepinephrine(NE) in rabbits.[WT5HZ]Method:[WT5BZ]Myocardial damage was made by intravenously dripping super physionlogical content NE.The change of Ca 2+ ,Mg 2+ in red cell of peripheral blood and Ca 2+ ,Mg 2+ ATPase,Na +—K + ATPase on cardial muscle cell membrane as well as the protective effect of phentolamine were observed.[WT5HZ]Result:[WT5BZ] Comparision of each indice between phentolamine group and NE group indicated significant difference(P<0.05or0.01).[WT5HZ]Conclusion:[WT5BZ] Phentolamine can prevent or alleviate Ca 2+ , overload,Mg 2+ loss as well as energy exhaustion due to myocardial damage which was induced by NE. [WT5HZ]
Hebei Medicine