

Homoclinic Solutions for a Ordinary p-Laplacian Systems with Coercive Potential
摘要 利用逼近法和一些分析技巧,获得一类具强制位势常p-Laplace系统存在同宿解的一组充分条件. Homoclinic solutions for a class of ordinary p-Laplacian systems with a coercive po tential were analyzed using approximation method with some analytical techniques. A new cri teflon of the existence of homoclinic solutions for the system was obtained.
作者 陈凯 刘永建
出处 《广西科学》 CAS 2012年第3期213-217,共5页 Guangxi Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(11161051) 桂林航天工业学院校级项目(X12Z003)资助
关键词 常p-Laplace系统 同宿解 强制位势 ordinary p-Laplacian systems, homoclinic solutions, coercive potential
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