
黄莲圣母:义和团女性形象的历史变迁 被引量:1

Study on “Huanglianshengmu”of Tianjin during the Boxer Movement
摘要 林黑儿是义和团时期天津红灯照的首领,号称"黄莲圣母"。红灯照传奇故事曾经广为流传,有着强烈意识形态化的时代特征。尽管清廷保守派曾经认可、放纵义和团,但官方史料中有关"黄莲圣母"的记载却十分稀少。清末民初之人所写的野史、笔记中提及其人,往往捕风捉影、夸大其词。在现当代学者的论著中,多数是突出她在义和团运动中上阵杀敌的英勇表现,将她塑造为革命造反派和妇女解放运动的偶像、爱国主义的象征。事实上,"黄莲圣母"长期以来被赋予的多重身份——渔家女、圣母、邪匪与革命英雄——并不能确切概括其形象特征。本文力图探究林黑儿被神化的背景、过程与影响,将一百多年来人们对红灯照的描绘、被创造的作为"革命派"、"爱国者"的公共记忆与抛开意识形态面纱后的历史人物做对比分析,还原真实的"黄莲圣母"形象。 Lin Hei - er, the leader of the Red Lanterns in Tianjin during the Boxer Movement, was known as "Huanglian- shengmu ( Notre Dame of Yellow Lotus) ". The romaunt spreads broadly and impacts greatly, which has the ideological charac- teristics intensely. Although the Conservative Group in Qing government once approved and indulged the Boxers, the record of "Huanglianshengmu" in official historical data was scarce. In the contemporary scholars' works, most highlight her heroic performance, in order to mold her as the revolutionary rebel and the women' s liberation movement idol. In fact, the multiple status which has been given to "Huanglianshengmu" for a long time, the fishing female, the goddess, the evil bandit and the revolutionary hero, cannot summarize her vivid characteristic accurately. This article tries hard to inquire into the background, the process and the influence of Lin Heier' s deification. We also do the eontrastive analysis among the description of Hong- dengzhao for more than 100 years. Ultimately let the image really return to the original state.
作者 刘平 朱丹
出处 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期14-20,53,共8页 Historical Research In Anhui
基金 教育部人文社科基地重大项目<中国民间宗教与社会转型研究>的阶段性研究成果 项目批准号为2009JJD730003
关键词 “黄莲圣母” 红灯照 义和团运动 妇女解放 "Huanglianshengmu" Red Lanterns the Boxer Movement women' s liberation
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  • 1刘以桐.《民教相仇都门闻见录》[A]..《义和团》(二)[C].,.第182页.
  • 2仲芳氏:《庚子纪事》,中华书局1978年版,第12-14页.
  • 3Paul A. Cohen, Historv in Three Keys: The Baxers as Event, E:cperience, and Myth (New York:Columbia University Press, 1997).
  • 4《历史三调:作为事件、经历和神话的义和团》,杜继东译.江苏人民出版社,2000年.
  • 5Journal entry, in Alice M. Williams Miscellaneous Papers (Shansi Mission), file 12, ABCFM (American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, Papers in Houghton Library, Harvard University). See also Bird's letter of June 24, 1900 to her brother, ibid.
  • 6Pitkin, letter, June 2, 1900, in Sarah Boardman Goodrich, "Journal of 1900," June 6, 1900, pp.6-7,in Miscellaneous Personal papers, Manuscript Group No. 8, Box No. 88, CRP (China Records Project,Divinity School Library, Yale University) ; Luella Miner, "Last Rites for the Pao-ting-fu Martyrs," The Advance, August 1, 1901.
  • 7See, for example, the dispatch from American minister Edwin H. Conger to Secretary of State John Hay,May 8, 1900, in United States, Papers relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1900(Washington, D. C. : GPO, 1902), p. 122.
  • 8(dispatch to Hay, December 7, 1899, ibid., p. 77)See also the dispatch of British minister Claude M. MacDonald to Foreign Secretary Salisbury, May 21, 1900, in Great Britain, Parliamentary Papers, China No.3 (1900), p. 105.
  • 9Rowena Bird, journal entry, June 25, 1900; see also Dwight H. Clapp, diary letter, Taigu, Shanxi, July 7 and 15, 1900, in Alice M. Williams Miscellaneous Papers (Shansi Mission), file 12, ABCFM; Luella Miner, Journal, Beijing, June 25, 1900, ABCFM.
  • 10Miner, journal, Tongzhou, June 7, 1900.











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