使用PROFINET总线连接PROFINET I/O设备(站点)时,如果某个总线站点出现故障或掉线,设备还在继续运行的话,这时该设备及其周围人员都将处于非常危险的状态,一旦设备出现误动作,将导致严重的生产事故。对于总线的实时状态,必须在程序中进行判断,故障的站点号必须及时被读出,这样PLC才能根据总线故障信息,快速进行保护性的输出,甚至停止输出,使设备运行处于安全状态。因此,对PROFINET总线状态的诊断具有非常重要的实际意义。诊断总线站点故障的方法有多种,本文重点介绍两种读取PROFINET总线状态到用户程序中的方法,并对这两种方法如何通过用户程序实现做详细说明。
When the PROFINET bus is connected a PROFINET IO device and some device failures, the surrounding personnel will be in a dangerous state. The status of the bus must be judged in real-time and the disabled device must be promptly taken out,so that the PLC can produce a fast protection output and make the device run in a safe state. Therefore, the diagnosis on the PROFINET bus state is important. This paper provides two methods to read the state of a PROFINET bus into a user program.
Automation Panorama1