目的探讨经尿道汽化与电切联合治疗良性前列腺增生症(BPH)的临床效果。方法观察术中出血量、手术时间、电切综合症,比较手术前后前列腺症状评分(IPSS)、生活质量(QOL)、最大尿流率(Qmax和术中、术后并发症。结果本组 45例.平均年龄 69岁,病程 6年.平均手术时间 60 min,术中出血 50 ml,术后留置导尿管 3~7d,术后IPSS、QOL、Qmax明显改善,电切综合征TURS 1例(2.2%).3例前列腺癌(6.6%)术后情况良好。结论 经尿道汽化和电切联合治疗是解除膀胱出口梗阻有效而安全的方法.
Odjective To explore,the..clinical of combined treatment of BPH by transurethral electrovaporization and resection of the prostate. Methods The bleeding volume, duration and transurethral resection sydrome (TURS) were observed, and pre and post operative International Prostatic Symptom Score (IPSS). quality of life (QOL). maximal uroflow rate (Qmax), and intra-and post-operative complications were compared. Results Forty-five cases of BPH with the average age 69 year old were performed with combinated treatment of transurethral electrovaporization and resection of the BPH. Mean operative time was 60 min,bleeding volume was 50ml. Indwelling catheter time postoperatively was 3~ 7 days. IPSS. QOL and Qmax. were improved postoperatively. TURS occurred in 1 case (2. 2%). 3 case of prostate cancer were in good condition postoperatively. Conclusion Combinated treatment of BPH by treasurethral electrovaporization and resection is an effective and safety method to relieve bladder neck obstruction.'
Journal of Huaihai Medicine