
新西兰碳排放交易体系及其对我国的启示 被引量:4

Carbon Emission Trading System of New Zealand and Its Enlightenment for China
摘要 介绍了新西兰碳排放交易体系的设计特点及运行效果。以森林碳汇作为唯一温室气体排放指标供应源,提高了森林维护收益的可预见性,增强了造林效果。以此为鉴,提出我国应培育以森林碳汇作为唯一供应源的碳排放交易市场,建立以工业反哺林业的生态反哺机制,建设全社会普遍参与、高度统一、协调一致并相互融通的碳排放交易系统。 This paper introduces design characteristics and operation results of carbon emission trading system of New Zealand. The conclusion is that taking forest carbon trade as the only one supplying source of greenhouse gas emission improves the foreseeability in forest maintenance, and strengthens the effect of afforestation. According to this, the author suggest that carbon emission trading market in which forest carbon trade is the only one supplying source should be cultivated in China. A compensation mechanism that industry compensates forestry should be established. A coordinated and mutual intermediated carbon trading market should social participated, highly united, be built.
作者 肖艳 李晓雪
出处 《北京林业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第3期62-68,共7页 Journal of Beijing Forestry University :Social Sciences
基金 中南林业科技大学青年基金文科招标项目(2011ZB002) 教育部重大攻关课题(10JZD0046) 国家自然科学基金青年基金(71101029)
关键词 碳排放 交易市场 森林碳汇 carbon emission trading market forest carbon trade
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