
Divergence and Co-operation between China and the U.S.on the Cyberspace Issue 被引量:1

Divergence and Co-operation between China and the U.S.on the Cyberspace Issue
摘要 "Cyberspace" refers to interdependent infrastructures of information technology. This includes the Internet, telecommunication networks, computer systems, embedded processors and controllers.~ Due to rapid development and the popularization of information and cyber technology, cyberspace and people's real lives are becoming interconnected, infiltrating and influencing one another. As such a new space consisting of economical, social, cultural, political and military information networks has been created. As a "man-made arena" with strong transnational and virtual characteristics, cyberspace is inevitably influenced by international politics. Recent years have seen an obvious divergence between China and the U.S. on the "freedom of the Internet", the governance of the Internet, In the consideration of the establishment of a new type of big power relationship and the principles of the international network,both China and the U.S.should strengthen their governmental and civilian dialogues,promote bilateral co-operation on the fight against cyber crime and the governance of Internet,and have more mutual understanding and agreement on the issue of cyber arms controls and cyber sovereignty.
出处 《Contemporary International Relations》 2012年第4期124-141,共18页 现代国际关系(英文版)
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  • 1Нillary Rodham Clinton. Remarks on Internet Freedom[OL].http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2010/01/135519.htm/,2010.
  • 2The White Нouse. Cyberspace Policy Review:Assuring A Trusted and ResilientInformation and Communications Infrastructure[OL].http://www.whitehouse.gov/assets/documents/Cyberspace P olicy_Review_final.pdf/,2012.
  • 3НillaryRodman Clinton. Internet Rights and Wrongs:Choices & Challenges in aNetworked World[OL].http://www.state.gov/2011/02/156619.htm/,2012.




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